After a ride through the Wisconsin country side, we arrive in Milwaukee.

On the way to our hotel we took a detour. We drove to Theresa to visit the Widmer's Cheese House. Great cheese. They are known for their Brick cheese. It got the name because they use bricks to form the cheese curds into a brick of cheese.
We missed the tour, but we watched the DVD that explains how they make cheese. I really didn't need to know how they make cheese. If you don't know, don't ask.
In the same town there is a candy store that was highly recommended. The sign outside advertised Blue Moon ice cream. Mark raves about the stuff, so I tried it. It was not bad.

So at this moment as we check into our hotel while sipping a cold one, all we have had today is Cheese, Ice Cream and Beer.
Good thing we're in Wisconsin.